My blog


Tuesday, September 21, 2010


It has been a very long time since i've blogged into this lovable blog of mine. i consider myself lucky to be able to enter this digital world back after a long hiatus. Today i wanted to talk about the things that i've studied for the past seven week ....MAPLE.....huh?? what is MAPLE..maybe maple tree i guess... it turns out that it is actually a software that help us do our mathematical works much more easier. You can find a brief introduction about maple software HERE We learn several things in maple with our one and only lecturer Bro. Solihi. he wondrously teach us about this software that we are not familiar with. the version of maple that we use is Maple 12...

this maple version is suitable for my laptop with windows vista OS. For beginners like us we are introduced with several topics in MAPLE software during the first week including how to calculate things using the maple software like >2*2 which stands for 2x2 in maths... we got bored towards the end of the fist class as we can't understand some of the lecture towards the end of the class. this are some maple the end of the seventh week these are the things that we havelearned

No.contents of maple software
i.Core functionality
2.Solution of linear differential equations
3.Root finding
5.Plotting of function of single variable
6.Plotting of function of two variables
7.System of partial differential equations
8.Integral equations
8.MAPLE programming

this is a video about maple HERE
i think that is all for today thank you for reading my blog ...buh bye

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